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A time schedule of the prophecies |
In the letter to Cesar and the Epistle to Henry II, Nostradamus refers frequently to a time structure. In the investigation on which my research project Nostradamus, astrology and the Bible is based, such a time structure was brought to light. It became possible to put the quatrains in a time frame. A number of quatrains confirm the structure to which Nostradamus refers in his letters. Quatrains and letters are complementary regarding specific data.
In the investigation, two assumptions were made :
1 - All data, given by Nostradamus, are according to the Julian calendar, which was used in his lifetime.
2 - Nostradamus calculated the zodiacal longitude of the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and the Caput Draconis (also called Dragon’s Head, North Lunar Node or Mean Lunar Node). He also calculated the zodiacal longitudes of the Fixed Stars and used the conjunction, the square and the opposition.1
The time span of the quatrains
In his letter to Cesar, Nostradamus gives both the time span of the quatrains and the beginning date of this time span. He writes that the time span begins on March 1, 1555, the date of the letter, and ends in 3797. He does not give the end date of the time span. In the investigation, it was concluded that the year 3797 is an AD-year, and does not need to be converted in another year.
In the Epistle to Henry II, Nostradamus writes that the beginning date of the first set of predictions in this Epistle is in the present time, i.e. March 14, 1557. This set of predictions seems to be based on the quatrains in the eighth, ninth and tenth century and covers a period, which ends at the beginning of the seventh millennium.
At first sight, there are two possibilities regarding the beginning date of the time span of the quatrains: March 1, 1555 and March 14, 1557. Quatrain 03-56 contains the clue to the actual beginning date.
Quatrain 03-56
Montauban, Nîmes, Avignon et Bésiers :
Peste, tonnerre et grêle à fin de Mars
De Paris pont, Lyon mur, Montpellier :
Depuis six cens & sept vingt trois pars.
The fourth line refers to a period of 607 years and 23 days. If this period is added to March 1, 1555, the date of the letter to Cesar, the fulfilment date of this quatrain is March 24, 2162. This date corresponds with the second line, in which it reads that things will occur close to the end of March.
If the period of 607 years and 23 days is added to March 14, 1557, the date in the Epistle to Henry II, the fulfilment date is April 6, 2164. This date does not correspond with the second line.
The conclusion is that the time span of the quatrains begins at March 1, 1555. Nostradamus wrote this in his letter to Cesar, it is confirmed by quatrain 03-56.
The Epistle to Henry II precedes the eighth, ninth and tenth century, the remaining part of the quatrains. The earliest date on which one of these quatrains will be fulfilled, is March 14, 1557.
The beginning and the end of the world
Nostradamus refers in the letter to Cesar to the seventh and eighth millennium. He refers to the seventh millennium in the Epistle to Henry II. Neither in the letters, nor in the quatrains, he refers to a ninth millennium. The references to the millennia always are in the context of the future of the world. The point of departure is that Nostradamus counts eight millennia, eight periods of 1000 years, i.e. 8000 years, for the existence of the world from beginning until end.
The date on which the world has been created, can not be derived from the letter to Cesar. In this letter, Nostradamus gives an astrological reference to the date on which the world will end. We saw already that, according to this letter, the final date of the time span of the quatrains is in 3797.
In the Epistle to Henry II, one can also find an astrological reference to the date on which the world will end. From the Epistle, the date of the creation of the world is derived.
Nostradamus presents two timetables regarding the time span of the Old Testament. The first timetable, based on the Bible, astrology and ideas of Nostradamus, has two totals: 4757 and 4758 years. The difference of one year is caused by various estimations of the time span of the period Abraham - Moses. Addition to 3797, the end year of the time span of the quatrains, results in an existence of the world of 8554 or 8555 years.
The second timetable, based on the Bible, covers a time span of 4092 years. Addition to 3797 results in an existence of the world of 7889 years.
Next to the second timetable, Nostradamus gives a total of 4173 years and 8 months. Addition to 3797, this results in an existence of the world of 7970 years and 8 months.
Since Nostradamus counts 8000 years for the existence of the world, the first timetable is obsolete. The second timetable can not be used without alterations. The period Creation - Noach counts 1506 years (mil cinq cens et six), according to the second timetable. According to data, given in the Old Testament (Genesis 5,3 until 5,28), this period counts 1056 years (mil cinquante et six). Here we find a printer’s error. Next, the time span of 490 years of the period Temple - Jesus is not correct. The period Temple - End Babylon exile covers a time span of 502 years and 3 months, according to data, given in 1 Kings 11,42 until 2 Chronicle 36,21. According to the calculation, given by Nostradamus in his Almanach povr l’an m.d.lxvi, the period Temple - Jesus covers a time span of 1087 years. According to the Dutch 1941-Vreede-translation of the prophecies, this period covers a time span of 1020 years, but it is not clear on what calculations the total of 1020 years is based. Joseph Juste Scaliger, historian, son of Jules Cesar Scaliger, counts for this period 1014 years.2
The total of 4173 years and 8 months is the only total which can be used to determine the date of the creation of the world according to Nostradamus.3 The end of the period of 4173 years and 8 months is marked by the birth of Jesus. In the investigation, His birth is dated on December 25, 1 BC. This means that the date of the creation of the world is 4173 years and 8 months before the birth of Jesus, i.e. April 25, 4174 BC.
Nostradamus counts eight millennia, 8000 years, for the existence of the world. Counting from April 25, 4174 BC, this means that the world will end on April 25, 3827.
Planets as millennium rulers
In the letter to Cesar Nostradamus writes that humanity in his lifetime is guided by the Moon. The Moon will be succeeded by the Sun, who will be succeeded by Saturn, whose rulership, according to Nostradamus, returns. He also writes about a revolution anagorique, a revolution which brings both life and death.
In the Epistle to Henry II, Nostradamus writes that Saturn will bring a golden age. The nature of this age corresponds with the nature of the biblical kingdom of 1000 years, when Satan will be imprisoned for about 1000 years and then will be released.
On the base of the contents of the letters, the conclusion is that Nostradamus writes about the planets in their function of millennium rulers. The Moon rules the sixth millennium, in which Nostradamus lives. The Sun rules the seventh millennium and Saturn rules the last millennium, the eight. The sixth millennium runs from April 25, 827, until April 25, 1827. The seventh millennium runs from April 25, 1827, until April 25, 2827. The eighth millennium runs from April 25, 2827, until April 25, 3827.
Nostradamus does not write which planets rule the first, second, third, fourth and fifth millennium. In the investigation, it is assumed that Saturn rules both the eighth and first millennium. In astrology Saturn rules time. Ruling the first and the last millennium, he is the alpha and omega. One cann not say anything about the rulers of the second, third, fourth and fifth millennium. In the investigation, the hypothesis is maintained that Jupiter rules the second millennium, Mars the third, Venus the fourth and Mercury the fifth millennium.
Quatrain 01-48 and quatrain 10-74
In two quatrains, one can read that Nostradamus counts with 8000 years for the existence of the world and uses the planets in the function of millennium rulers.
Quatrain 01-48
Vingt ans du règne de la Lune passés,
Sept mille ans autre tiendra sa monarchie :
Quand le Soleil prendra ses jours lassés,
Lors accomplit et mine ma prophétie.
The first line. The twenty years of reign of the Moon (vingt ans du règne de la Lune) are twenty years in the life of Nostradamus. He lived in the sixth millennium, which was ruled by the Moon.
The second line. The other who holds his monarchy (autre tiendra sa monarchie) is Satan. Satan rules humanity from the moment of the original sin until the beginning of the kingdom of 1000 years. The kingship of Satan lasts 7000 years.
The third line. The tired days of the Sun (les jours lassés du Soleil) refer to the end of the rulership of the Sun over the seventh millennium. This line refers to 2827, the fulfilment year of this quatrain, the year in which the seventh millennium turns into the eighth.
Quatrain 10-74
Au révolu du grand nombre septième
Apparoitra au temps Jeux d’Hécatombe
Non éloigné du grand age millième
Quand les entrés sortiront de leur tombe.
The first line. The turn of the great seventh number (révolu du grand nombre septième) refers to the turning of the seventh millennium into the eighth. This line gives the fulfilment year of this quatrain: 2827, the year in which the seventh millennium turns into the eighth..
The second line. The game of slaughter (Jeux d’Hécatombe) is a phrasing of the war which is described in Revelations 19,21. There it reads that the supporters of the Beast and the false prophet are killed. In his letter to Cesar, Nostradamus refers also to this war, writing that Saturn will bring a revolution (revolution anagorique) which brings death.
The third line. The great millennium age (grand age millième) is the biblical kingdom of 1000 years, the eighth millennium. In the Epistle to Henry II, this age is called the golden age, brought by Saturn.
The fourth line. Those who entered and go out of their tombs (les entrés sortiront de leur tombe) are the ones who, according to Revelations 20,4, have died because of their testimony of Jesus. They rise from the dead and rule with Jesus for 1000 years like kings. In his letter to Cesar, Nostradamus refers also to these events, writing that Saturn will bring a revolution (revolution anagorique) which brings life. In the Epistle to Henry II, he also refers to these events, writing that the Church will have her greatest power.
These quatrains are one with the letters, regarding the number of years of existence of the world and the time structure which Nostradamus made.
Progression systems
Nostradamus described the way he applied astrology most clearly in the Epistle to Henry II: astrological calculations regarding years, months and weeks connected to countries, regions and most of the cities in all Europe, Africa and Asia. This means :
1 - Astrology has no function in the determination process of the nature of the events, described in the quatrains. The nature of the events is determined by the nature of the imaginations (visions) and inspiration, which in the Epistle to Henry II is called natural instinct.
2 - Nostradamus used astrology to determine where the predictions will be fulfilled.
3 - Nostradamus used astrology to determine when the predictions will be fulfilled.
The use of astrology to determine when predictions will be fulfilled, indicates the application of a progression system. A progression system can be defined as an astrological system in which distance is converted in time by means of a time enlargement factor.
CD4-system : the progression system for the quatrains
In the investigation, it was assumed on the base of quatrain 01-48, that the zodiacal longitudes, given in the quatrains, occurred during the life of Nostradamus (1503-1566). In the first line, he refers to twenty years of his life. This can be interpreted as a reference to a period of at least twenty years, during which he got the imaginations.
In his letter to Cesar, Nostradamus gives an astrological reference to the date on which the world will end. He writes about the last conflagration, when Mars completes his cycle and is in the last part of it and will begin a new one. This last conflagration refers to a conjunction of a planet with the Sun (the Moon excepted). Nostradamus briefly specifies the configuration circumstances of this conjunction: Mars completes its cycle, is in the last part of it and will begin a new one. This means: Mars is in Pisces, heading for Aries, being direct, i.e. not retrograde. The words last conflagration can also be interpreted as a conjunction in Pisces, the last sign of the Zodiac. In that case, the Sun is in Pisces, which means that Mars is direct. In addition, it can be postulated that Mars is behind the Sun, not involved in the last conflagration. It also means that after this last conflagration there are no more conjunctions of the Sun with a planet in the remaining part of Pisces.
Such a situation occurred indeed in Nostradamus lifetime : on February 27, 1554. On that date, the zodiacal longitude of Mars was 15:38:00 Pisces. The Sun was conjunct Saturn on 18:50:37 Pisces. There were no other planets between the 19th and the last degree of Pisces.
The words last conflagration are also a reference to the second death, which is described in Revelations 20,14-15. This second death is a death by fire, which takes place after the Last Judgment. This is the last death by fire (last conflagration) in the Bible. Next (cf. Revelations 21,1 and next verses) there will be a new heaven and a new earth. This is all at the end of the eighth millennium, April 25, 3827.
In his letter to Cesar, Nostradamus refers to February 27, 1554, the end date of the period in which he got imaginations, and April 25, 3827, the date on which the world will end. There is a connection between these data. In astrological sense, such a connection can only be a connection on the base of a progression system.
According to quatrain 01-48, Nostradamus got imaginations during at least 20 years. Checking the zodiacal longitudes of Saturn which are given in the quatrains, directly or indirectly, this assumption has to be adjusted to a period of at least 24 years. Quatrain 08-49 is the quatrain with the earliest astrological reference: August 11, 1527. On that date, Saturn was in Taurus, Jupiter in Cancer and Mars in Sagittarius, according to the first line of this quatrain. Quatrain 05-91 is the quatrain with the latest astrological reference : June 6, 1551. On that date, Saturn retrograde was in Aquarius in opposition with Mars in Leo, according to the fourth line of this quatrain.
Nostradamus does not mention the beginning date of the imagination period. In the investigation, this date is calculated on the base of linear extrapolation of the movement of the Caput Draconis. The beginning date is fixed at October 16, 1524. The end date of the “imagination period” is February 27, 1554.4
Nostradamus got imaginations during more than 29 years. He composed the quatrains on the base of the contents of these imaginations. The Caput Draconis is the astrological factor with which he calculated fulfilment data. The time enlargement factor is 4. The progression system is called the CD4-system :
The motion of the Caput Draconis of one degree of arc in the imagination period
equals four years
in the time span of the quatrains
Nostradamus calculates the advancing time with a factor, the Caput Draconis, which moves backwards with a constant speed.
Predictions on date
The investigation showed that Nostradamus wanted to predict with an exactitude of one day, although he refers also to periods of months or years. A few quatrains contain fulfilment data. Two of them are analysed shortly.The motion of the Caput Draconis of one degree of arc in the imagination period
equals four years
in the time span of the quatrains
Quatrain 08-48
Saturne en Cancer, Jupiter avec Mars,
Dedans février Chaldondon salvaterre.
Sault Castallon assailli de trois pars
Près de Verbiesque conflit mortelle guerre.
The first line. In the imagination period (October 16, 1524 - February 27, 1554) only once a Mars-Jupiter conjunction occurred when Saturn was in Cancer. This was around December 26, 1532. On that day, the zodiacal longitude of the Caput Draconis was 7:07:36 Virgo. The distance between this longitude and 15:36:51 Aquarius, the longitude on October 16, 1524, was converted in years and days by multiplication with 4. The result was added to March 1, 1555, the beginning date of the time span of the quatrain. This results in February 10, 2189, the fulfilment date of this quatrain, which corresponds with the second line of this quatrain.
Quatrain 08-49
Satur au bœuf iouë en l’eau, Mars en flèche,
Six de février mortalité donnera,
Ceux de Tardaigne à Bruge si grande brèche,
Qu’à Ponterose chef Barbarin mourra.
The second line. Nostradamus specifies the date: February 6. He does not give a year.
The first line. In the imagination period, on August 11, 1527, there was a configuration in which Saturn was in Taurus, Jupiter in Cancer and Mars in Sagittarius. The zodiacal longitude of the Caput Draconis was 21:07:48 Sagittarius. Its distance to 15:36:51 Aquarius, the longitude on October 16, 1524, was converted in years and days by multiplication with 4. The result was added to March 1, 1555, the beginning date of the time span of this quatrain. This results in February 6, 1773, the fulfilment date of this quatrain, which corresponds with the second line of this quatrain.
The CD100-system :
the progression system for the second set of predictions to Henry II
There are two sets of predictions in the Epistle to Henry II. The second set is not based on imaginations, but only on astrology. These predictions are preceded by a list of retrogradation periods of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury. Next, Nostradamus gives the zodiacal signs of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury, the Moon and both the Caput and Cauda Draconis. Next, he gives a series of aspects: Jupiter conjunct Mercury, Mars square Mercury, Sun conjunct Jupiter (with the Caput Draconis involved in some way).
Nostradamus does not give data. The investigation showed that the zodiacal positions, listed by Nostradamus, occurred shortly before midnight in the night of December 31, 1605 to January 1, 1606 (Julian calendar). The retrogradation periods occurred during 1606.
After the Mercury-Jupiter conjunction on January 6, 1606, there were four squares between Mars and Mercury: January 6, March 13, August 11 and November 1, 1606. Nostradamus does not write which of these squares is the relevant one.
On January 19, 1606, there is a Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Aquarius. This conjunction is in trine aspect with the Caput Draconis in Libra with an orb of 6 degrees of arc. But no progression system can be derived from whatever astrological factor in the period December 31, 1605 - January 19, 1606.
On February 24, 1607, the Sun is conjunct Jupiter on 15:25:10 Pisces. This conjunction is in opposition with the Caput Draconis on 12:40:49 Virgo.
A period is at stake, which runs from December 31, 1605, until February 24, 1607. This period is called the aspect period.
On December 31, 1605, the zodiacal longitude of the Caput Draconis is 4:53:36 Libra. Until February 24, 1607, he covers a distance of 22:12:47. In decimals: 22,2131.
The fulfilment period of the second set of predictions in the letter to Henry II runs from January 1, 1606, until April 25, 3827. This is 2221 years and 115 days. In decimals: 2221,31.
In the case of the second set of predictions to Henry II, the Caput Draconis is the factor by which fulfilment data are calculated. The time enlargement factor is 100. The progression system has been called: the CD100-system :
The motion of the Caput Draconis of one degree of arc in the aspect period
equals one hundred years
in the time span of the second set of predictions to Henry II
Again, Nostradamus calculates the advancing time with a factor, the Caput Draconis, which moves backwards with a constant speed.
The CD4-system and the CD100-system confirm the arithmetical correctness of the millennium model as reconstructed in the investigation. April 25, 3827, the end date of the millennium model, is the end date of the time span of the second set of predictions in the Epistle to Henry II and corresponds by progression with the last conflagration in the letter to Cesar.
3797 and 3827
The time span of the quatrains ends in 3797. The millennium model ends on April 25, 3827. There is a gap of about 30 years.
Nostradamus writes to Henry II that Satan is imprisoned for about 1000 years. This does not correspond with Revelations 20,3 and 20,7, in which it reads that Satan will be released as the 1000 years have passed. Since the end of the world, i.e. the Last Judgment and the second death, coincide with the end of the eighth millennium, it has been assumed that Nostradamus counted 29 years and 167 days for the last war of Satan and the heavenly armies, i.e. the average time span of a full rotation of Saturn. Counting backwards from April 25, 3827, this results in November 9, 3797, being the date of release of Satan. This also means that November 9, 3797, is the closing date of the quatrains.
The letter to Cesar
Application of the CD4-system shows that November 9, 3797, corresponds with October 11, 1553. Since November 9, 3797, is the closing date of the time span of the quatrains, October 11, 1553, is the last day on which Nostradamus got an imagination.5 This date is before December 18, 1553, the birth date of Cesar.6
Nostradamus writes to Cesar that his late arrival was the reason to elaborate his quatrains. By itself, this line means that all quatrains were composed before his birth. These data confirm this.
Evaluation of the results : discussion points
The results show that there is a time schedule according to what Nostradamus writes. This means: eight millennia and a time span of the quatrains up to 3797 AD, a very long time span, which will frown the faces of some people. The results are not merely arithmetical, they are sustained by astrological data and progression systems.
A serious point of discussion might be whether or not these results are like cornerstones of fundaments.
These results invite us also to discuss other themes. For instance, one might say that the letter to Cesar is indeed directed to Cesar and the Epistle to Henry II is indeed directed to Henry II. The Epistle indeed preceded the last three centuries. Both the letter to Cesar and the Epistle to Henry II were written by Nostradamus, given the fact that both refer to April 25, 3827, being the date on which the world will end.
Another point of discussion is whether astrology plays a major role in the composing of the quatrains by means of calculating fulfilment data. Such a role would be according to a remark in the Epistle to Henry II, that astrological calculations were added to most of the quatrains. It also would mean that Nostradamus considered his imaginations (visions) as chronological, since astrology is chronological and fulfilment data were calculated by means of a progression system. In the end, he arranged the quatrains at random. Hence, do we get a glimpse on the composing process of the quatrains ?
Time schedule of the prophecies
The millennia
25-04- 827 : start sixth millennium.
25-04-1827 : start seventh millennium.
25-04-2827 : start eighth millennium, start biblical kingdom of 1000 years.
25-04-3827 : end eighth millennium, end of the world.
The quatrains
16-10-1524 : start of the imagination period.
11-10-1553 : last imagination.
18-12-1553 : birth of Cesar.
27-02-1554 : end of the imagination period.
01-03-1555 : date of the letter to Cesar, beginning date of the time span of the quatrains.
09-11-3797 : end of the time span of the quatrains.
The first set of predictions to Henry II
14-03-1557 : start of the time span.
25-04-1827 : end of the time span, beginning of the seventh millennium.
The second set of predictions to Henry II
31-12-1605 : start of the aspect period.
01-01-1606 : start of the time span.
24-02-1607 : end of the aspect period.
25-04-3827 : end of the time span, end of the world.
Nostradamus, astrology and the Bible
Nostradamus has calculated data for a number of biblical events. Most of these data are based on the millennium model. In the Bible, no such data are given.
Nostradamus gives astrological configurations only for the date on which the world will end. The configuration of February 27, 1554, is the end date of the imagination period. The configuration of February 24, 1607, is the end date of the aspect period.
According to Nostradamus, the end of the world coincides with the end of the eighth millennium. Because of this, he counts 970 years for the time span of the biblical kingdom of 1000 years. He writes to Henry II that this time span is around 1000 years. In the Bible, the time span of the kingdom of 1000 years is 1000 years. Satan is released after the end of these 1000 years.
T. W. M. van Berkel
- Berkel, T.W.M. van, Nostradamus, astrologie en de Bijbel - een onderzoek van zijn profetieën en brieven, De Meern, 2002.
- Berkel, T.W.M. van, Nostradamus, astrology and the Bible - a lecture on his prophecies and letters, De Meern, 2002.
- Brind’Amour, P., Les premières centuries ou prophéties (édition Macé Bonhomme de 1555). Edition et commentaire de l’Epître à César et des 353 premiers quatrains, Genève, 1996.
- Chevignard, B., Présages de Nostradamus, Saint-Amand, 1999.
- Katholieke Bijbelstichting (uitg.), De Bijbel, uit de grondtekst vertaald (Willibrord vertaling), Boxtel, 1978.
- Leoni, E., Nostradamus and His Prophecies, New York, 1982 [1961].
- Nostradamus, M., Les prophéties, Lyon, 1568, Lyon, 2000.
- Scaliger, J. J., Thesaurus Temporum, Amsterdam. Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag, afdeling Bijzondere Collecties, 1658 [1606].
- Schors (uitg.), AstroScoop Plus voor Windows 9x/NT, versie, Amsterdam, 1999 [1997].
- Vreede, mr. dr. W.L., De profetieën van Nostradamus, Amsterdam, 1980 [1941].
1 All astrological calculations were done with AstroScoop Plus software, edited by Schors editors, Amsterdam, 1999. Retour
2 J. J. Scaliger : Thesaurus Temporum, Isagogicorum Chronologiae canonum libri tres, second livre, section Epochae temporis historici. Retour
3 One can suppose with good arguments that the total of 4173 years and 8 months is in fact the total of the second time table, but there is no complete insight in the historical sources, consulted by Nostradamus. If 1506, the total of the period Creation - Noach, is replaced by 1056, and if 490 is replaced by 1020, the total of the second time table is 4172 years and 2 months. Retour
4 Perhaps this brings light to a remark of Nostradamus in his 1561 letter to Hans Rosenberg, that he studied both medicine and astrology for about 40 years, i.e. since 1521. Retour
5 The imagination period is defined as running from October 16, 1524 until February 24, 1554, not until October 11, 1553. This is due to the fact that Nostradamus refers to February 24, 1554, in his letter to Cesar. Retour
6 According to R. Benazra, Cesar was born on December 18, 1553. See Benazra (1990) in Brind’Amour (1996, p.1). Retour
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